
Friday, March 02, 2012

Comparison Monster Strikes Again!

The problem with doing something like the 12wbt is occassionally the old comparison monster hits.  PMT has struck this week and I'm tired, bloated and feeling a little out of sorts.  I guess it's not the best time to read upbeat posts about how well people are going or to see pics of people prepping for comps.  While I'm ecstatic for them and will cheer them on every step of the way, there is a small part of me that feels fat, frumpy and a little bit useless as I can't do some of the things that other's are doing.  I know it's the hormones talking but once those little seeds of doubt enter your head it is hard to stop them taking hold.

I think a couple of nanna naps on the weekend are required to get me back in the right headspace.


Magda said...

Hi Michelle,

I've lost count the number of times I have felt this way not just recently but over many years. I think its human nature - or more accurately - women's nature. Rest assured my husband isnt comparing himself to fellow workers or other men that play some part in his life.

I now to try to look at this in a more positive light. If I didnt care so much about being the best me both physically and emotionally then the comparison monster would never raer its head. Then I remind myself that we are all unique creatures and as long as we're true to ourselves then thats all that really matters.

However when I hit a down patch, all this logic abd reason flies out the window and I'm convinced that I'm a hopeless failure.

Ah, women's nature :-)

Sandra said...

Agree with Magda, Michelle - you are human and you are female...enough said.
I do, however, wonder at some of these people who are so "upbeat" ALL the know, perfect families, perfect husbands, perfect in-laws (come on!!!) and they just breeze through these eating plans/challenges like their dancing on clouds....hmmm
Everyone has bad days or even bad weeks or months, but some of us are honest and tell it like it is. That's the sort of person whose Blog I want to read and that's the sort of person I can make friends with. Enjoy your nanna naps xo

Anonymous said...

Poor love that was me last week.
PMT is Hard on our emotional positivity.

Unknown said...

I love this title because comparison monster usually compares me with myself, during times when I did better than now. We are doing better than we think; it just doesn't feel like it.

:-) Marion