
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dance Festival Day 2

Moo's Contemporary Solo
Moo competed today and as expected she didn't get into the top 3 but was awarded a Highly Commended.  She got some great feedback from the adjudicator.  I forgot to pin her skirt onto her leotard and even though it has never slipped down in all her practice sessions it chose today to slide down a smidge (enough to be noticeable) so she was deducted points for that.  My bad! Otherwise she did really well.  She was a lot happier today which I think is due to getting a ribbon.  It seemed like a great feel backstage as I could see all the girls from all the different schools chatting away in the wings.  So that's that done for another year; now onto her cricket breakup ... does it ever end!


Unknown said...

Your daughter looks pretty! Wonderful how you have her in fitness activities she loves.

:-) Marion

Unknown said...

Both the girls love their dancing. I think it's important to do something you love.