
Monday, October 28, 2013

Start of Another Week

Wow!  The weeks seem to be flying by and I feel like my life is a blur.  Unfortunately, this means I have dropped the ball a few times with missed appointments, forgetting to check kids school newletters etc and I am spending most of the time in a cranky mood.  I think I need to figure out my work/life balance.

One thing that has dropped in my priorities has been my evening mobility work and it has caught up with me.  Last week's deadlift and kettlebell workout left my back feeling quite tight.  I know I haven't injured it, it just feels like DOMS but it is amazing how many exercises use those erector spinae muscles or even just moving around for that matter.

Today was a hero workout:

7 rounds for time:
15 Kettlebell Swings, 24kg (16kg)
15 Power Cleans, 42.5kg (30kg)
15 Box Jumps 24/20
Unfortunately I couldn't complete all 7 rounds as each of these exercises are known to wind up the back.  I completed 4 rounds in a time of 12:31 (?) with a 12 kg kettlebell, 15 kg power clean and 12" box.  I was disappointed but as Nick said, better I cut this workout short and be able to workout for the rest of the week than to push through, really hurt myself and have to take longer off.  I have found that the magnesium spray has helped and I'll be booking in for a massage or acupuncture for an overhaul.
In the meantime, it will be back to stretching my lower back, glutes and hamstrings again.

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