
Friday, April 04, 2008


I started the week full of beans, ready to take on the world and at some point through the week my energy levels up and left. I seriously considered taking a sickie today just so I could spend it sleeping but I know I would end up cleaning the house rather than rest. I haven't been eating enough carbs, its so bloody hard to get the ratios right. Tonight I've had potato and sweet potato even though its paleo day, I hope it will give me the energy to have a kick-arse training session tomorrow. My training has been pretty good. Every time I want to slacken off I think of the scales being at 49 kg by the end of this week and that spurs me on just a little bit more.

I have had the weirdest cravings this week. Most of the week I have wanted licorice and then yesterday I felt like butter and sugar that has been creamed as well as vanilla cake batter. I'm putting it down to the fact that I'm tired and most of these foods would be an instant sugar fix. Luckily I haven't given in to these cravings, but I think the only reason I haven't is because I can't be bothered making a cake just so I can have the raw mix.

Sometimes it feels so hard as there seems to be temptation everywhere. I've learned to be very strong willed but its difficult. Again, I think about the scales and my goal weight for the week and it makes it that bit easier. My biggest test will be this weekend when we go visit my parent. My Mum is one of those mothers that always want to feed you. I think it will be easier if I supply and prep my own food and think about being at 48 kg next week!


Debstar said...

What you need to do is keep looking at your bare belly and saying "Keep it like this, keep it like this". Who in their right mind would want to spoil all that hard work? Best of luck at your mothers.
Apparently I must not be a good mother. When my girls come round home they look in my cupboards and then my fridge and then they say stuff like "Haven't you got anything good to eat? Not even a bikky? hruuump"
I'm gonna wait until I have grandkids before I produce biscuits for the family.

Charlotte Orr said...

Hi Michelle,
Have you tried Black Adder licorice tea?

Unknown said...


I haven't tried that tea. Is it available anywhere?