
Friday, August 16, 2013

Dreaming of the Impossible

This was todays' WOD:

3 Rounds for Time:
5 Muscle Ups
10 Snatch 60kg/40
20 Toes To Bar

As usual I went in with a plan.  The scaling for muscle ups 2 ring pull ups and 2 ring dips and scale down from there to band pull ups and push ups.  Today I wanted to do the rings.  My other scaling was 15 kg snatch and knee to chest.  I would love to do toes to bar but I doubt I would have 3 rounds of 20.  It was a wise choice as this is the part I struggled with the most as my grip was letting me down.

I felt really good with the pull ups and I tried to focus on my kip as much as I could.  I used the orange band to assist with my dips which is the hardest band option and I felt strong whilst doing them.

I left the gym in such a positive mood.  I felt like I really kicked butt today and for the first time ever I thought that maybe one day I might be able to get that all elusive muscle up.  I have been watching our advanced athletes perform them and at times they struggle with them that I thought that for someone like me it was never going to happen but today I felt like maybe ... in the future.  Hey, a girl's gotta have dreams :-)

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