
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Holidays and stuff

I haven't had much of a chance to blog lately. We spent a week at Fraser Island the week before last and this week has been busy with work, training and basically catching up after our week away. Its been a nightmare trying to get all the washing done with all the rain this week but I really shouldn't be complaining after seeing what's happening down south.

After the rain it has gotten so cold, it was a struggle getting out of bed for my workout yesterday but I forced myself and was glad I did. I had an absolute shocker while I was away and as a result I put on 2kg which doesn't sound too bad but when you are 5 foot nothing and 50 something kilos 2 kg can feel like a heap so its nose to the grindstone again. The rain didn't help with cardio (I prefer to train outdoors) but I went to attack twice and cardio at the gym for some HIIT while the girls were at ballet. Food hasn't been too good, the wet, cold weather means that I crave all sorts of food from pies to casseroles. It hasn't helped that we took the kids to see Shrek 3 last night so had to have popcorn and chocolate. I vow to be better next week.

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