
Friday, December 14, 2012

Keep On Keeping On

I felt sluggish in yesterday's workout.  Wednesday's monster WOD had left me fatigued and I have to admit to struggling a little last night.  It was a lighter workout last night, working on our power cleans and squat cleans.  I started light and then progessed to 25 kg.  I attempted 27.5 kg but just didn't have it in me last night.  The frustrating part for me is when I failed I lost self-confidence and then couldn't even do the 25 kg again ... my mind had given up on me ... so I went back to 22.5 kg again.  Something I need to work on (and I'm not sure how I do this) is how I come back from failing something ... maybe going back to a lighter weight is the best way and then try again next time.  I moved onto squat cleans and struggled with the front squat part as my legs were tired from all the squats from the previous evening but I pushed through and reached 30 kg.  I know on a good day I could do better but I'll take what I can get.

I forgot to mention that I won a couple of PT sessions with one of the coaches at CF.  It is great timing as the kids are going to their grandparents next week.  I have planned a technique session to work on things like push jerks, presses etc.  I find that as I fatigue with these moves (as I found last night with the cleans) that I get under the weight enough to generate power.  I think by tweaking my technique a little I might be able to get more weight out.  The other session will be a metcon workout.  Again, I need to work on my endurance in these types of workouts and I think she will really put me through my paces.  I've also asked Hubby for some PT sessions for Chrissy.  I would love to make some serious headway with CF in the coming year.

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