
Tuesday, December 24, 2013


I have been thinking about the past year with regard to Crossfit and my fitness goals.  I had a looksie at my blog from January and here were my goals for the year:

  1. Kipping pull ups. I have just started learning these and am currently getting assistance with the band. The goal is to do these without the band.
  2. Double unders. I am improving but would like to do them unbroken.
  3. Box jumps. The ultimate goal is onto a 20" box but a smaller goal is to jump onto the lowest one we have at the gym which is 12" and then the 16".
  4. Do a workout as prescribed (RXd).
  • I am still doing banded pull ups in WODs but I have progresses so much in this department.  I am so close to getting rid of the bands that I can taste it.
  • I do double unders in WODs.  I'm not fantastic at them but I can string a few together.
  • Box jumps.  Bloody box jumps!
  • I have done a few WODs RXd over the year.
My new goals which are not New Year Resolutions but ongoing goals are:
  1. Handstands and then progressing to handstand push ups.
  2. 20" box jump
  3. 110 kg deadlift which is 2 x my bodyweight.
  4. RXd a benchmark WOD.  I think either Cindy or Helen would be good ones to attempt.
  5. At an absolute stretch, a muscle up.
I have had plenty of ups and downs this year.  There were times when I was going to pack it all in as I felt like I was not improving at all.  I am not a very athletic person and there are times that that is very evident.  I have had tears and tantrums but I have also achieved so much.

I have put myself out there.  I signed up for the Open and through that discovered that I'm much more capable than I believe.  I competed in an in-house competition and got through to the first round of the finals.  I have made many friends this year. I have inspired my children and they now train with me when they can.  I am stronger than I have ever been both mentally and physically.

I am proud of what I have achieved this year.  I'm grateful to my coaches and teammates for encouraging me everyday I show up to the gym.  It has been a fantastic year :-)

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