
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Chief and Michael

We recently did one of my favourite WODs 'The Chief'.

Date Rounds Power Cleans Push Ups Squats Clean Weight Push Up Option
23/04/2013 22 0 0 0 25 Bench
20/01/2014 22 3 6 3 30 Bench
23/04/2014 17 3 1 0 30 Bench
7/07/2015 17 3 6 3 30 Full

While it isn't my best effort, I'm still happy that I did full push ups on this one with a result that was consistent with my previous attempt (although I was injured the last time I did it).

Yesterday we did Michael.  Considering this has 3 rounds of running 800 m, I actually don't mind this workout.  I think it is because I set a pace and just put my head down and get it done.  In saying that, my time was exactly the same as my last effort.  I felt really happy with my sit ups and back extensions and did them unbroken which means I need to push myself harder in the run leg.  I have gotten myself into a comfort zone with my running and set a slowish pace that I know will get the job done without taxing me too much for the rest of the WOD but pushing myself will make me fitter in the long run.

Date Time
12/07/2013 22:31:00
23/01/2014 24:37:00
9/10/2014 22:57:00
21/07/2015 22:57:00

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